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Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

Image for Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

The interview was conversational. The interviewer kept the mood lighthearted, yet the questions were quite insightful. I had a long interview, lasted an hour and a quarter, but I didn’t seem to notice the time when I was interviewing.
Tell me about yourself.
Why MBA?
Which schools have you applied to, where does Fuqua stand on the list?
Some of my entrepreneurial ideas.
Example of a leadership experience, what did I learn from it?
One weakness?
Who is my role model? How have I emulated those qualities in my career?
Example of a time the team came together really well…..why do I think that happened?
Instance when I was part of a terrible team. (I wasn’t able to answer readily so he helped me by asking what is a good team, when does a team work well together)
What my friends say about me?
What motivates me?
A time that I regret as a leader and what would I change?
Something about hobbies.
How will I contribute to the school?
Anything we might have missed talking about?
Any questions for me (he gave very detailed answers to my questions)?

I might be missing on a few questions, but they mostly stemmed from my answers. Since it was my 1st interview, I was definitely not prepared for the follow-up question to each behavioural question (like why do you think it worked, or what would you change), but all in all since the interviewer was quite friendly I didn’t feel nervous.