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Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-campus

Image for Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-campus

I did my interview on-campus on a Saturday. They had the option to sign up for various sessions before and/or after your interview. Since my interview was at 10AM, I signed up for a career management session, led the by the director, that began at 9AM, and then a tour of the building with lunch post-interview. The career management session was helpful, as it provided detailed/helpful information about what Fuqua students do post-graduation. The tour was short, but nice to see the school nonetheless.

The interview itself lasted about 45 minutes. We sat in small room, and a second-year student would appear and called out a name. The interview was fairly relaxed, and it consisted mostly of behavioral questions centered on challenges, teams, etc. The questions were the following:

Tell me how you ended up where you are and why you want your MBA.

  1. How will Fuqua help you achieve your goals?
  2. Can you tell me about a situation you had a conflict and how you handled it? Can be personal or professional.
  3. Can you tell me about a time when you led a team and faced a challenge, then how you handled it?
  4. What do you think you could contribute to Team Fuqua?
  5. What are the 3 most important qualities about a team?

The above are not verbatim how my interviewer asked the questions, but hopefully they are close enough. After the final question, I was able to ask her three questions (so make sure you have these prepared). Overall, it was a delightful experience, and the interview itself is nothing to stress too much about.