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Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Reports: Round 3 / Second-year student / On-campus

Image for Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Reports: Round 3 / Second-year student / On-campus

The following Duke / Fuqua MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 3 applicant. Good luck to them!

Interviewed yesterday afternoon and had the opportunity to tour and lunch with current students. Duke truly has beautiful campus and the business school itself echos the same aesthetics. Multiple students were available to give their insights into the program, even in the waiting room. Each of them raved about their experiences and demonstrated tremendous enthusiasm for the closeness and support within the Fuqua community.

That all said, I had a stunningly unpleasant interview experience. Having been told by multiple students within the hour beforehand not to worry and that the interview was conversational in nature to get to know you better, I was surprised how rude and cold my interviewer turned out to be. My interviewer never smiled once nor embodied any of the friendliness or excitement of the students I had previously met with. The interview itself felt more like an interrogation session followed up with condescending remarks to each of my answers (e.g., “If you are interested in tech, why didn’t you just apply to the companies directly? What’s your point of getting an MBA?”). Having asked him if Fuqua was his top choice, his response of “Top 3” seemed to imply that he wasn’t as much of a fan of the school, but you could chalk it up to general personality as well.

I’m disappointed that my final impression of Fuqua ended on a sour note after meeting so many wonderful students who are truly passionate about the school and invested in each other’s career success. I’m hoping that my interview experience was merely an unfortunate anomaly.


1) Walk me through your resume.
2) Why MBA?
3) Why Fuqua?
4) Tell me about your leadership experience.
5) What are three things that make a successful team?
6) What does Team Fuqua mean to you?
7) How will you contribute to Fuqua?
8) What do you do outside of work (i.e., other interests and hobbies)?
9) Is there anything else you want to share that we did not discuss?

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