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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Round 2

Interviewed with Duke Alum in London mid-Feb’06. It was very conversational interview that lasted around an hour or so. After the usual ‘take me through the resume’ question, the standard ones came through:

  • why mba, why now, why fuqua
  • why you want to leave your current job ( I have changed job in last 6 months)
  • short term and long term career goals and how will fuqua help you
  • Team experiences – one in which you failed and one in which you lead
  • What kind of leadership style you have
  • what can you bring to board – was put something like in typical class of 70, how would you contribute

Later I learned that interviewer had same profile as mine before MBA and he was very much a career changer. My questions were around those career changing and study-co-curricular activity at Duke. Interviewer gave very convincing answers for those. Since I hadnt visited Durham before, he also gave me fair bit of idea on the city. Overall quite satisfactory.