Interviews are self-scheduled. Had a very nice set-up, including a waiting area for interviewees where current students could come by and say hello and introduce themselves. The students were very welcoming and came over and even their offered tickets to a Duke basketball game to one interviewee.
The interview was with a second year student. It was blind. She described herself as an “advocate” for me on the interview committee.
The interview was very conversational. It covered the normal interview questions:
- Walk me through your resume
- Why an MBA? And what do you want to do after your MBA?
- Why Duke specifically?
- What types of things do you do outside of work?
- What do you imagine getting involved with while at Duke?
- How would your roommate describe you?
- What is your leadership style?
- What is your biggest strength/ what is one of your weaknesses?
This was followed by an opportunity for me to ask questions.
The interview was casual but not too casual. We seemed to flow from one topic to another, but she clearly had a list of questions she wanted to get through. The overall visit was very positive. It was great to sit and talk with normal Fuqua students – the admissions office was very helpful. They set me up to visit a class. One thing that i found really telling was how helpful the woman in the printing office was when I was lost (she gave me a parking pass, pointed me in the right direction, etc.). Not the usual behavior for someone in a University printing office. Overall a great visit.