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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Round 2

These are the questions that I was asked during an on-campus Duke interview..40 min

It was not a conversational interview but one in which the interviewer just read one questions after another from a sheet of paper

  1. 3 words to describe yourself
  2. What motivates you in the morning?
  3. What experience has shaped your life and why?
  4. Why duke? Why mba?
  5. Why now?
  6. What contribution will you make on campus?
  7. What clubs would you join?
  8. Leadership example and what you learned.
  9. Constructive criticism that you received.
  10. One success and what you learned and one failure and what you learned.
  11. Leadership example outside of work.
  12. If you had one free day to do anything what would you do?