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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-Campus / Alum

I interviewed in the beginning of January at a local coffee shop with an alum who had done quite a few business-school interviews for Duke. The conversation lasted an hour, was conversational but on-point with little chit-chat in between. The questions were standard and straight-forward, a mix between behavioral and personal; no trick questions or curveballs (such as: define success). The most important question for my interviewer was why Duke, specifically, as opposed to any other top school. I had read earlier that if you can answer this question successfully, it increases greatly your chances of getting in, b/c Duke is usually seen as a backup school to other top-tier schools despite being top ten in rankings. (Hence their early admission program.)

Questions were:

  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Why MBA? / Why Duke? Why Duke as opposed to the other schools you applied to?
  • What are your career goals and how will Duke get you there?
  • What can you contribute to Duke?
  • Strengths and weaknesses (3 strenghs, 2 weaknesses)
  • What would your colleagues say about you?
  • Think about your favourite boss. What are some of the qualities you liked about him/her?
  • Tell me about a time where you worked in a team but someone wasn’t pulling their weight.
  • Tell me about a time where there was conflict in a team.

My interviewer mentioned that learning how to work in a team was the most important skill he’d learned at Duke. I’d suggest framing your responses about teamwork and emphasizing those skills, if applicable to you.