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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-Campus

Originally shared by Choc Heaven

Had my interview with a Fuqua alumni today.. lasted about 40 mins.. overall, was pretty much what I was expecting.. no big surprise questions…

The usual stuff..

  • Why MBA
  • Why x school
  • Why finance (thats what i want to do)
  • How has your experience been working at x and x firms
  • how did you find a change in work culture between x and x (i switched to a new place recently)
  • what kind of a role do you take in teams
  • tell about a time when you faced a conflict
  • how will you contribute to Fuqua
  • if your friends were to describe you in 3 sentences, what would they say..

Some interesting questions i remember are..

  • if you had a free day to spend, how would you spend it..
  • outlook for financial industry in the next 12 months
  • what was the last book you read and what did you like about it 🙂

My advice to any prospective Fuqua applicants is to know thyself – know your strengths and weaknesses.. re-read your essays, application, resume.. read up on past interview experiences on Clear Admit and Accepted.. it really helps!