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Duke Fuqua MBA Interview Questions & Report: Open Interview Period / Second-Year Student / On Campus

Image for Duke Fuqua MBA Interview Questions & Report: Open Interview Period / Second-Year Student / On Campus

Questions were from a predetermined list. The second-year student had identified a few she wanted to ask. The interviewer was warm and had only seen my resume. These were the questions I got:

– Tell me about yourself.
– TMAT when you were proud of a team achievement…how long did it take to implement that?
– TMAT when you had to choose between short-term and a long-term goal.
– How do you lead and get people to follow you?
– TMAT when communication was really important in order to achieve something (usually when something is going wrong)?
– TMAT when you had to work in a diverse team? Most challenging and most rewarding part of being in that kind of team?
– Tell me about a leader you admire.
– What additional info do you want to share?
– Why Fuqua?
– Why an MBA now?
– What contributions do you plan to make to the Fuqua community?

She also left time for me to ask questions, and I asked a couple. Overall, this interview felt like a conversation and was a pleasant experience.