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Duke / Fuqua MBA Interview Questions & Reports: R2 / Alumnus / India

Image for Duke / Fuqua MBA Interview Questions & Reports: R2 / Alumnus / India

My MBA admissions interview at Fuqua was 2 hours long which was unexpected. I got many behavioral questions which my interviewer wanted me to answer with particular job experiences per my resume. In the end, he told me about his experience and if there was anything else I wanted to add.

The interview was at a hotel. The interviewer was dressed pretty casually but I was in formals. He seemed nice but it felt less like a conversation and more like an interview.


  1. LT/ST goals
  2. Describe a time you had to motivate your time
  3. How do you resolve conflict?
  4. What kind of qualities do you look for when building teams?
  5. Tell me a time you had to deliver bad news?
  6. What do you do for fun?
  7. What other schools did you apply to?