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Emory / Goizueta MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni / On-Campus

Image for Emory / Goizueta MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni / On-Campus

The following Emory / Goizueta MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I attended Emory’s Super Saturday campus visit event, which was very well done as an opportunity to engage with students, professors and AdCom members. I greatly appreciated that AdCom members were friendly, which they haven’t always been at some other schools. After a lot of planned activities applicants who had scheduled an interview were led to the career services center. I met with an alum, as it seemed most everyone else did that day too.

The interview questions were quite traditional:

• Walk me through your résumé.
• Why do you want an MBA and why Goizueta?
• What are your long term goals?
• What will you contribute to the community?
• Tell me about a time you failed at something and what you learned from it.
• Do you have any questions?

The only surprise to me was that towards the end it really felt like a pretty frank conversation between us about how the school could help me achieve my goals, and how plausible my goals are, rather than a formal interview. He even gave constructive feedback. Overall I was left a felt a bit uncertain at the end especially since it was my first school interview, but I did get accepted so I guess I didn’t botch it.

My sense was that they’re really looking to fill their class with people bringing unique dynamics, and since it’s a particularly small program, they really hand pick them more than focus too much on candidate data points.