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Emory Goizueta Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / AdCom / Skype

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My interview was with Heather Holland, a member of the Admissions Committee. She started the interview by introducing herself and gave a brief overview of what a blind interview is. She was nice and friendly right off the bat.

Questions I was asked:
1. Walk me through your resume.
2. Why do you want an MBA and why now?
3. What are some of the things you considered when selecting a school for your MBA?
4. How will you contribute to the Emory community if you are admitted?
5. How will you contribute to the Emory community as an Alumni?
6. What did you learn about yourself through the process of preparing for and applying for an MBA?
7. What is a current challenge in my field/department at work ?
8. How do I feel about living in Atlanta?

These are the questions I can remember. The interview was conversational and Heather was lovely.