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Fuqua / Duke MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-Year Student / On-campus

Image for Fuqua / Duke MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-Year Student / On-campus

The interview was with a second-year student. It was blind, he had only my curriculum.
He first introduced himself and asked me to do the same. Then he asked me some questions: why Fuqua? How can I contribute to Fuqua? Why diversity was important for me (I mentioned it)? Mention a situation where you had a conflict with your boss and how you handle it? He also made me choose a point of my curriculum and talk about it and made me some questions about what I said. And finally, he asked me if I had questions for him (really important to have two or three in mind) and gave me his card (you must send them a thank you mail the day after)

The interview was just like I read in Clear Admit guide: very conversational and friendly. My interviewer was an international student (like me) and I think that helped me because he could understand if my answers were not too structured as desired.
I think the interview is a great chance to show your interest in the school and that you could be a great addition to the class.

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