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Fuqua / Duke MBA Interview Questions & Report / Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus

Image for Fuqua / Duke MBA Interview Questions & Report / Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus

This was an applicant-initiated interview scheduled during Fuqua’s open interview period in late-September. The interview was conducted in Fuqua’s designated interview areas by a second-year student who also led tour groups throughout the day. The interview was also blind (only had access to my resume).

Overall, the interview was very conversational, and I truly got the sense that my interviewer was trying to understand me as a person. There really weren’t any curve-balls or IB/consulting questions, so nothing was too surprising. The questions were fairly standard and mostly stuck to a script (which I assume is often the case in interviews conducted by second-years), but they went something like the following:

1. Walk me through your experience/resume.
2. Why is an MBA the right step for you now? Why consulting?
3. How does Fuqua fit into what you’re hoping to get out of an MBA?
4. What does “Team Fuqua” mean to you?
5. Tell me about a time when you had to give advice to someone because they weren’t performing well.
6. What classes/clubs are you hoping to get involved in on campus?
7. Any questions for me?

Again, all the questions were fairly standard, so that put my mind at ease and allowed me to get more comfortable with the format. I asked about his experience with clubs on campus and with the career management center, and both were answered very positively. The entire experience (including the tour and other programming afterwards) really reinforced by belief that Fuqua cares most about understanding applicants as people, not statistics.

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