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Georgetown / McDonough Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Image for Georgetown / McDonough Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

The following Georgetown / McDonough interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview lasted about 35 minutes. The woman was really nice, but she was asking some odd questions about where I was applying towards the end–I think trying to awkwardly gauge whether I would in fact attend Georgetown if they admitted me.

1) Walk me through your résumé.
2) Why an MBA?
3) Why Georgetown?
4) Tell me about a time you had difficulty with a team/team member, and what you did to improve that relationship.
5) What are your post-MBA goals in five years?
6) Where else are you applying?

I hesitated a little on where else I was applying, since Georgetown is a safety (in terms of ranking, though I love the school and don’t consider it a ‘safety’ by any means). Interviewer was incredibly nice though.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Georgetown / McDonough? Click here to get the Clear Admit Georgetown / McDonough Interview Guide.

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