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Georgetown / McDonough Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Skype

Image for Georgetown / McDonough Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Skype

The following Georgetown / McDonough interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

Just had my interview over Skype.

A very good and interactive interview.

The interview was blind and questions posted below:

1. Why MBA and Why Now?

2. Constructive Feedback received and how it changed you.
– Follow up question: What is the difference you observed working in a team as a contributor vs as a leader.

3. Why Georgetown?

4. What other colleges did you apply too? ( Made me comfortable by explaining where he applied and offered to tell why he chose Georgetown.)

5. As Georgetown values international experience, dug into my international experience and asked me what do I think about being Global ready. And, whether I am global ready.

6. The best question: What would be one thing that you want to highlight/include in your report.

7. For career changers: What are the sources that made you decide that you are ready to move into a different field. Explain your rationale kind of question.

Finally asked for my queries. Took 35-40 minutes. The interviewer was very friendly. Definitely showcased the type of people at Georgetown. During the interview took notes and also listened and gave suggestions that would be helpful.

Hope it helps. All the best.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Georgetown / McDonough? Click here to get the Clear Admit Georgetown / McDonough Interview Guide.

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