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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Off-Campus

I interviewed with an Admissions Director and she was very cordial and friendly.

We met off-campus in a Chicago hotel. The interview was for 30 minutes. I arrived few minutes early and she came out to greet me.

We sat in the lobby in plush comfy chairs. It was difficult to hold my resume book in front and talk, but I adjusted and soon became comfortable.

She asked me:

  1. What do you want to do after an MBA? Tell me about your career path.
  2. Why now? Why Georgetown?
  3. Have you visited Georgetown?
  4. If you had to do off campus recruiting, how would you do it?
  5. Tell me about a risk or failure.
  6. What do you do for fun?
  7. What questions do you have for me?