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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus

Had an off-site face-to-face interview with Georgetown.

The interview highlights:

  • Interviewer: an admissions officer.
  • Duration: strictly 30 minutes. The interviewer had next appointment right after me
  • Format: blind, the interview had only my resume
  • Tone: friendly, warm, and encouraging. The interviewer made me comfortable right away, and I did not feel “interview-nervous” at all
    1. of Questions: the number of total questions I received was 3-4, less than during the interviews with other schools. This is partly due to the 30-minutes restriction. With other schools, my interviews lasted up to 60 minutes. So if you are preparing for yours, I’d recommend to focus on the ‘big picture questions’ such as what you have done so far, why MBA now, why Georgetown, and have a ‘meaty’ responses to each of these questions so that you can distinct yourself around these questions.
  • Content of Questions: rather than following a strict set of pre-selected questions, my interviewer seemed to improvise some of the questions she asked. For example, when I said the post-MBA industry I wanted to work in, she asked me for the names of companies I am interested in. This is why I recommended having ‘meaty’ responses ready for the big-picture questions. You may be asked details that derive from these big questions.

Overall, the interview was a very positive experience, and I am now looking forward to visit the school, to learn more about the program.

Hope this helps others who have interviews later.