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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom via Skype / Off-campus

Was offered to interview via Skype with admissions committee member–I had already visited the (BEAUTIFUL!) campus, so this was very convenient. It was suggested to dress professionally, which I did, but the interview itself was very laid-back.

This was a blind interview–the admissions rep had not seen my application.

Questions asked:

  • describe your workday/job function.
  • short/long term goals?
  • how does your work experience factor in to your post-MBA goals?
  • any international experience?
  • leadership experience–what is your leadership style?
  • additional questions?

I had a very positive impression after the interview. A friend of mine is a current student and works in the admissions office–she says student interviewers are encouraged to mix up their interview question list.