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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

My interview was with an Assistant Director of Admissions. It was a blind interview, so she had not seen my file. I brought a copy of my resume.

1. Tell me about you personally and professionally
2. Tell me about a leadership experience
3. Tell me about a time you could’ve taken the lead but instead contributed more as a team member –> this was perhaps the question that stumped me a little
4. Tell me about an international experience
5. What is one good piece of advice you’ve received from a leader, mentor or role model?
6. Tell me about a time when a team member wasn’t pulling their weight, and what did you do about it?

I wasn’t really surprised by any of the questions because I had read other interview reports and prepared for most of these questions.

The AdCom member was very nice and friendly, and made the interview less intimidating. She also gave me a lot of positive feedback throughout the interview, so it made the interview flow more like a conversation. I’ve had positive interactions with various Adcom members at McDonough, but she was particularly warm and kind. Even though most Adcom members are nice, don’t expect them to make you feel comfortable.

I asked 3-4 questions. The interview ran a total of about 40-45 minutes. I think this was a little longer than what she would’ve liked; I think ideally they want the interviews to wrap up within 30-35min. She said decisions will be released on March 20.