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Georgetown McDonough MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / First-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Georgetown McDonough MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / First-Year Student / Zoom

1) Introduce yourself.

2) How do you perceive sustainability? (It was mentioned in my introduction and the interviewer was also currently taking an elective on sustainability.)

3) Share a specific instance when you helped someone.

4) Describe a time when you received constructive feedback and how you addressed it.

5) What’s a personal or professional weakness you’ve identified, and how have you managed it?

6) How do you plan to contribute to the class beyond academic and professional experiences?

7) What steps have you taken to prepare for the academic challenges of an MBA, particularly in terms of quant (mentioning MBA Math and Coursera courses)?

8) Which other schools have you applied to, and how will you choose among them and Georgetown?

9) Do you have any questions for me as the interviewer?