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Harvard Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for Harvard Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Interview was quite structured. AdCom hosts interview days, where you’re encouraged to join coffee chats with current students, sit-in on a class, or join networking lunch. When it’s time to interview, interview is held in interview rooms (similar to on-campus recruiting suites if you had that for undergrad).

Some of the questions asked:
1. What did you do this morning?
2. Tell me about your country
3. Explain the difference of your consulting firm versus industry, which do you prefer
4. Differences between the US and Other country for consulting
5. What is my motivation behind my extracurricular activities
6. What do I do for fun
7. Why am I involved in recruiting for the consulting firm I’m a part of
8. One piece of constructive feedback from your manager and how you’ve addressed it
9. What’s a debate you’ve had with your team
10. What has changed since the last time you applied