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Harvard Business School to Release Remaining Round 1 Interview Invites Tomorrow

300px-Aerial_of_the_Harvard_Business_School_campusFor all those anxious Harvard Business School (HBS) Round 1 applicants still waiting to learn their fate, tomorrow will be a telling day, according to Managing Director of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid Deirdre Leopold. About 150 additional interview invitations will go out tomorrow, October 15th, adding to the roughly 800 invitations extended last week, Leopold shared in a recent post to her Director’s Blog.

Another group will also learn tomorrow that HBS wants to “further consider” their applications as part of Round 2. “We anticipate that there will be ~200 applicants in this group,” Leopold wrote, adding that the email communicating this decision will also provide information regarding a timetable and communication plan for this group.

According to Leopold, it’s not worth speculating about what it may or may not mean if you received an interview invitation last week or this week. “It’s not about you. It’s about us and how we set internal deadlines for applications to be read,” she underscored.

October 15th will also be the date when invitations to interview are extended to candidates for the HBS 2+2 program.

Finally, tomorrow will be the end of the road for some. Candidates who will not be moving forward in the process will be officially “released,” Leopold shared. “We hope that by doing this early, we are enabling this group to pursue other options sooner vs. later,” she noted.

In her blog post, Leopold stressed that applicants should not send any additional materials or letters of support at this point. “We’ve designed an evaluation process that we believe is as thorough and fair as we can make it,” she said.

She closed by thanking all who applied as part of Round 1, especially for meeting an earlier than usual deadline. Calling the Round 1 pool “really strong,” she conceded that the decisions she and her team must make will be tough.

Good luck to all Clear Admit readers who are awaiting notification tomorrow. And a big congratulations to those of you who advance to the interview stage. Don’t miss out on Clear Admit’s multiple resources to help you prepare, including the Clear Admit HBS Interview Guide and our HBS Interview Reports Archive