I had my interview with adcom on campus mid December. The adcom was nice and friendly. However, she tried to find questions that I was not comfortable with and could have not prepared for. She asked several questions specifics to my essays and also asked me to explain the content of a class I had visited a couple of weeks ago. Other questions included:
- What is unique about you? How would you contribute to the HBS classroom?
- Tell me about a CEO that you admire but a CEO you have not worked with.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Tell me about an experience with a bad / challenging superior. How did you deal with it?
- What do you think will be most challenging about attending HBS?
- Is there anything else that we have not covered in this interview that you would want me to know about you or your application?
I suggest practicing some but not too much for the interview. You want to sound genuine during the conversation.