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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Off-campus – telephone / Round 2

I was scheduled for a telephonic interview and I wasnt really crazy about the phone part. Didnt ask for an alternative since the other hub interview in Delhi (I am in Bombay) was on 12th and I have important meetings on the 12th.

So I got the call on time, the adcom member was very friendly and relaxing from the begining, setting the tone for a none-stressful interview, talking about the weather. I was a little apprehensive that the accent/phone connection would be bad but both were perfect.

I had prepared for the usual questions especially questions on leadership examples and teamwork – but he started straight off from my job experience and kept asking questions about my job.

He had obviously read my application in great detail so it was great not to go into explaining things that I had already mentioned (it could be a bad thing because most of us are pretty comfortable in explaining our essays all over again!). So anyway, he asked me specific details from my job that I had mentioned in my essays.

He then asked me about my short term and long term goals and how they fit in with my MBA. That done, he wanted to know what my plans were in case I did not get through HBS.

At the end of it he asked me if there was anything that I felt he had’nt asked, so I spoke about my volunteering experience – I was very impressed that he had gone through the website of the non-profit that I volunteered with and we spoke in some detail about that.

That was the end of my HBS interview. The agonizing and analysing starts now:-)