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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Hub interview / admissions officer

I really enjoyed my interview very much. The woman that interviewed me is part of the adcom at HBS. She is also an alum from the school. She was very friendly and actually made a lot of small talk with me, which made the interview much easier for me to do. I also noticed that she was taking many notes as I was speaking. It almost reminded me of a blind interview, because all she had in her hands was my resume. She never even asked me if I had time to visit the campus. In the end, I asked her a few questions about her experience as an HBS student.

QUESTIONS: She didn’t ask me any behavioral or leadership questions (except for describing a time when one of my projects failed). She was mostly interested in hearing me walk through my resume and talk about my current role at work. She was very interested in hearing my perspectives on my target industry and why I was attracted to it. The one interesting question that I got was what book I was currently reading. I mentioned two books, one contemporary fiction which she wasn’t really interested in and one best seller. I could see that she was taking many notes on my answer, to my surprise.