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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom

Got in, but my interview was really intense.

  • Tell me about what you do. (more follow ups)
  • How did you get that job?
  • If (current employer) were to replace you tomorrow, what should they look for? I’m referring to personal skills, not professional skills.
  • Small talk about class visit.
  • In your essay you said (repeated three sentences word-for-word), what did you mean?
  • What’s a common misconception people have about you?
  • What would your 5 best friends say about you?
  • Why (characteristic I mentioned)? Give me an example.
  • What kind of leader are you? (asked follow-ups asking for specific examples)
  • Why did you enjoy (varsity sport from college)?
  • If we called you and said there is only one seat left in the class and 10 candidates remaining, what would you say differentiates you?
  • What do you do when you have a really bad day?
  • What TV shows do you watch? (I gave a reality show as an example, and the interviewer asked me who had been eliminated the previous night)
  • What’s the last book you read? (gave non-fiction book)
  • What’s the last FICTION book you read? (said name of pretty obscure book published 6 years ago)
  • What did you think the author was saying about society?