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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / adcom

I was given a date and time to appear on campus in Boston. I arrived 20 minutes prior to the interview, and I was greeted by the adcom at precisely the time indicated. We went up to her office in Dillon (the admissions house).

My questions were quite specific to my application but not quite in the way I had imagined. My interviewer used what I had in my essays as a springboard to delve further into certain aspects of my candidacy, but she didn’t reference any of the items I had written about at any point. In fact, she asked that I stay away from those examples and provide new ones during the course of our discussion (which was a little difficult even though I had thought about it).

What do you want to do in the long term and what issues will you tackle when you get to your goal? (I read this as: how do you want to change the world once you are in a position to do so… maybe a little too ambitious?) Give me another leadership example from work. How has your leadership style evolved? What do others think about your leadership style? What would you do if you were the boss (in your current company)? Do you have anything else you would like to add?

The interview lasted 30 minutes, and she wrote notes the entire time I talked. I rec’d no feedback at any point, but the interviewer was pleasant and friendly.