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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/ AdCom

English: Harvard Business School, as seen from...

-How did you choose (your investment bank)?
– How did you find (your private equity firm)?
– Did you find (your area of interest) or did it find you?
– What is your most proud accomplishment at (your private equity firm)?
– What has made you successful at what you do?
– You seem to have a good amount of experience in negotiations, what component of negotiating is art and what part is science?
– Tell me about times when you’ve struggled?
– When you meet new people, what is their first impression of you and is this in line with how you actually are?
– Explain the way that you aligned interests as discussed in your essay regarding (a major work project).
– Assuming I know nothing about (the topic of your work project), explain to me the landscape of (the topic of your work project) in Africa.
– If there was no such thing as an MBA program, what would you do next in your career?
– What is your dream internship?
– Tell about a company outside of (your area of interest) that you appreciate?
– How would you like Amazon as an employee or vendor?
– How does your life outside of work look?
– What is the next country that you would like to travel to?