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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom / On Campus

Happy businesspeople, or businesswoman and clientA recent applicant shared her Harvard MBA admissions interview questions with us: 

I interviewed with an associate director of admissions, plus an observer from the admissions team. The interview had a friendlier tone/vibe than i expected and conversational, BUT still no real indication of how you are doing/did

-Where do you want to start?  (they let me pick what I wanted to talk about)

-Ok you joined as the X# employee, what has changed since then?

-How was this role different from your first two?

-Why didn’t you like your previous industry?

Long conversation about my industry. Lots of questions involved testing me on trends in the industry, what solutions I think exist to improve things, specific examples of companies in areas I mentioned, etc. Lots of probing. Felt like cross examination a bit to see if I was who I said I was.  Also asked specifically about a project/area I mentioned in the essay.  Wanted to know more specific details.

-What surprised you most about your industry?

-What comes easily to you? What comes harder?

-MBA is a major investment. What is it that would make it worth the time/money?

-What would be your dream job?

-And after MBA you would do X…? (X was what I’m currently doing now, which is NOT what I put on my application as post-MBA goals. So clearly they were checking to see if I could hold the story together.)

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