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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom / Off Campus

300px-Aerial_of_the_Harvard_Business_School_campusThe following Harvard MBA Admissions Interview summary was provided by a recent applicant:

30-minute interview with two women, one interviewer (who had read my application) and one observer (who had just seen my resume). They were both very friendly and it felt more like a conversation than an interview.

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about a leadership experience.
3. How did you find [previous job]?
4. Why did you choose to go to [current country of residence] and [current job]?
5. How did you make the transition?
6. It seems like you have moved around a lot across the world. How do you adjust to new cultures / countries?
7. Tell me about a challenge you have faced at work.
8. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
9. What professional criticism have you received that has really resonated with you?
10. Is there an industry you’re interested in outside of [past and current industries]?
11. Anything else you want to mention?

For more Harvard MBA admissions interview questions, check out the Harvard Interview Reports Archive.