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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom / On Campus

300px-Harvard_business_school_baker_library_2009a1The following Harvard MBA Admissions Interview summary was provided by a recent applicant:

My interview was very pleasant. It was quite rapid, though, and the 30 minutes were over before I knew it. As others have stated, there was one main interviewer asking the questions and another who was taking notes. I purposefully engaged them both when answering, rather than ignoring the notetaker. The interview was very congenial, with a lot of non-verbal feedback (smiles and laughter) throughout. The questions I was asked are below:

1) Imagine I didn’t read your application, who are you?
2) How are you liking medical school?
3) Is there anything challenging about med school?
4) What’s a company you admire and why?
5) What do you like to do in your free time?
6) How did you choose your college?
7) Specific question about a story I mentioned in my application. 
8) Do you know what you want to go into in medicine?
9) Tell me more about what you did in Chile [study abroad in college].
10) How would you tie in the lessons learned from all your international experiences to your overarching career goal?
11) What is some aspect of your personality you’re working on?
12) Is there anything else you wish we had asked?

For more Harvard MBA admissions interview questions, check out the Harvard Interview Reports Archive.