My interview was on campus. We started on time and after a little small talk about the weather and her intro blurb, we started with the lead-off question, “Describe your career progression, and talk about the most important things you learned about yourself along the way”.
Then a lot of questions regarding my current full-time job:
- Why did you choose to join this company?
- What was different about your previous job compared to this one?
- What was the most surprising aspect about this company when you first joined?
- What has been your greatest challenge since joining?
- Tell me about a project that you’ve worked recently where you exhibited leadership.
- How has this job impacted your career goals?
Other general questions:
- What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?
- Who is a leader that you admire and why?
- What will you do if you don’t get into business school?
- What’s a question that you thought I was going to ask you but didn’t?
She did not ask me for questions because she had told me before we started that the interview was meant to get to know me and that she won’t aim to leave time for questions. We ended on time and she asked me if there was anything else I wanted to add. Then we exchanged thanks and she walked me out.