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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

My HBS Interview was very conversational. Only 1 interviewer – felt like the main objective was making sure that my story made sense and what I said on paper reflected who I was in real life. There was no time for questions at the end.


Have you every managed other individuals? Has that been difficult?

If I were to get all the junior people you work with in a room, what would they say about you? Strengths? Weaknesses?

Tell me more about the retail transaction that you wrote your essay about. What did you learn about the retail market?

Seems like you’ve co-founded a lot of things. Is that something you like to do? Why?

Why get an MBA?

What are your plans post-MBA?

Have you ever been to an HBS class? What class are you going to?

What’s the case?

Was moving to the United States hard? Did you experience a cultural shock?

Tell me some more about your siblings.

What do you like to do for fun?