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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off Campus

300px-Inside_a_Harvard_Business_School_classroomThe following Harvard MBA Admissions Interview summary was provided by a recent applicant:

The interview went by very quickly. There were no other candidates in the waiting area. I arrived a few minutes early and waited until my exact scheduled time. The questions I received were all discussed in blogs. We spent the first half of the time talking through my most recent work history and explaining my roles and accomplishments that I had discussed in my application. As others have mentioned, transitions and clarity in your explanation are key. 
Other questions: 
Tell me about your current job? 
How would you explain an income statement to a non-finance person?
Why do you want to go business school?
What are you currently reading? 
What areas of business interest you outside of your field? 
How did you begin traveling?
Any other questions you wish we’d have asked you?

For more Harvard MBA admissions interview questions, check out the Harvard Interview Reports Archive.