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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

Pleasant experience that flew by!
Questions asked below:

1- Tell me about your undergraduate college – why there? What did you like/dislike about it?
2- Grad school – why? What was your favorite class? What kind of job were you expecting after school? How did you find your job?

Most recent work experience related?
1- How did you start? What is your company trying to do? Explain your role and relationship to your founder/employer?
2 – What do you see yourself doing after HBS? [Gave my answer]. What if that doesn’t work out? What else will you consider?

1- Anything about you that you want us to know?

As you can tell, the interview had a flow to it that was all about my experiences related to school and work. I think adcom was looking to understand why and how transitional decisions were made (school to school, school to work, etc.).

The experience is extremely pleasant. Be confident and know of all your cited experiences inside-out.

All the best!