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Harvard MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

Image for Harvard MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

The following Harvard MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

I am an international student and I chose to go to Campus for the interview. It lasted exactly 30 minutes, all the questions were about my CV and about projects mentioned by my recommenders and there were no surprise/tricky questions that could through me off-base. There was a student taking notes but all of the questions were made by an Adcom. Some of teh questions were:

-What did you like about the College you attended?
-Why did you chose your current company?
-Why do you want to go in to this field?
-Tell me about this project mentioned by recommender X. Follow up questions including timeframe, business impact and people involved.
-What is the structure of your company?
-Anything else you want to say?

I felt that I answered all the questions very succinctly, it took the interviewer some seconds to ask another question after I stopped talking because she was still taking notes. I gave no elaborate answers, very down to earth answers and to the point. When I left I thought it didn’t go well because I didn’t showcase any of my strengths or points of differentiation outside of the last question.

I was admitted in first round.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Harvard? Click here to get the Clear Admit Harvard Interview Guide.

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