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HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom + Observer / Zoom

Image for HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom + Observer / Zoom

The interviewer was very friendly and started off the interview by giving an overview of what to expect in the next 30 minutes. She informed me that she had reviewed my application in detail, and there would likely not be any time for questions at the end. The atmosphere was very relaxed and was more application than resume-based. Below are some questions she asked:

  • Why did I double major with Psychology?
  • Personal traits (why I described myself as X and Y).
  • What trends to I expect to see in the manufacturing space? (I am from a less traditional industry so I expected this)
  • Asked about my non-profit experience and how I managed it on top of a full time job.
  • Asked about a story I told in my essay.
  • Asked about my long-term goals / dream company.
  • Gave me an opportunity to share any other stories we did not have time to get to.

Overall, I felt like the interview went well and she was very engaged the entire time. It was very conversational and she let my feedback partially determine the next questions and direction we went in. I was surprised at how laid back the interview felt, and was expecting to get more questions about my specific job experience. The interview made it very clear to me that HBS is seeking well rounded candidates and cares deeply about who you are as a person (what motivates you, inspires you, etc.) beyond your professional accomplishments. Looking forward to Thursday, December 10th!