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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

Image for Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus

The following Harvard Business School interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I was interviewed by two admissions people — one who had read my app in full (who asked all the questions) and one who had only read my resume (who was less engaged but made a lot of facial expressions). The interview tone was VERY friendly overall, which caught me by surprise. I did a lot of smiling and laughing and it felt very natural.

Mix of super straightforward questions, like:
– why did you go into X industry, did you have a long-term plan for your career
– tell me about your industry
– tell me what happened at your company
– what would your friends say about you

as well as questions that weren’t TOTALLY curveballs but I didn’t expect and was caught off-guard:
– knowing what you know from your current job, how would you do your first job differently?
– if you had 6 months to do two very different things, what would you do?
– what is the solution to X huge industry problem

Toward the end it got very conversational where we were kind of bouncing ideas off of each other. I even challenged what one of the interviewer said about something and was concerned that might have been the wrong move but I think it probably just showed that I could hold an opinion and defend it.

I felt great coming out of the interview, and the person who walked me out gave me really strongly positive vibes. 24 hours later, I felt terrible and couldn’t believe what an idiot I was for my stupid answers. Advice is, don’t do that — a lot of wasted time and anxiety about something that you can’t control.

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