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HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

The interview was very conversional. We broke the ice talking about what I like to do in my home country and started a rapid fire round of questions. Overall, my interviewer tried to make me comfortable but there was little eye contact.

1/ What do you enjoy doing?
2/ What is the current trend in your industry?
3/ What do you think is the biggest problem to solve?
3/ Any story about a situation where it did not turn into your favor? What have you learned?
4/ How do you manage your team? Follow on what is the best strategy to keep cohesion.
5/ Why did you change industry? Do you regret it and what is better?
6/ Can you tell me when you had to make a difficult decision?
7/ You must be travelling a lot. How do you prioritize your tasks?
8/ Why do you plan this career switch (about my short term goal)?
9/ Do you want to mention anything we did not cover?

Admitted at the end