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HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

The interview was conversational, with a member of the admissions committee who had read my entire application and was eager to know about the motivations behind my life’s transitions (primarily professional) and about my industry of work. It was a 30min interview, which maybe went ~1-2min over the mark.

The questions she asked were specific to my resume, application and profile:
1. She asked about a social impact organization I was part of at college and what we did there
2. We spoke about the improvement in gender ratio in IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology – premier institutes in India) and what I think changed over the years at my campus and beyond to drive this
3. She asked about my DEI efforts at the workplace
4. She asked me about a project I did during my consulting experience and asked for my views on how Covid impacted that industry
5. She asked me to tell her more about a healthcare project at my consulting stint (I currently also work in healthcare)
6. We discussed where my interest in healthcare arose from
7. She asked about the motivations of healthcare players in furthering the goals I had mentioned, and I had to defend their practicality to some extent
8. She asked for some specific details (areas of market presence etc.) for my current company
9. We discussed efforts my company was making to improve access to healthcare through doctors’ up-skilling; she asked if I knew of any competitors and their models in this ‘access-enhancement’ space
10. We discussed my perspective on why this was the year to apply for their MBA program
11. She asked about my goals post-MBA and also what I hoped to get out of my job in the 6-8 months between the interview and matriculation
I also got a chance to talk about something that we didn’t touch upon but was important to me.

Overall, it was a pleasant conversation and the interviewer was nodding and even smiling sometimes, to generally put me at ease. Most questions were tailored to my experiences and as per expectations.

All the very best! 🙂