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HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for HBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

I was interviewed by an Adcom member at HBS. The Adcom member was very warm and welcoming and started off by warning me about some internet connectivity issues they were having. The interview went mostly smoothly with a few spikes in the internet so we had to turn off the video feed for a minute towards the end. The questions were very specific to my application, but here are some questions from the interview:

1. Explain what your company does and the technology (I work at a life science start up).
2. Follow up on the technology.
3. What is the leadership team like at your company?
4. How have they dealt with explosive growth at the startup?
5. Asked about my details on how I have helped change the business focus at the company.
6. Asked details about how I have installed a new technology at my previous company and saved money.
7. Asked about how I cut training cost at my previous company.
8. Asked about my commitment to some DEI related causes I mentioned in my resume.
9. Asked about my study abroad experience and experience as a foreigner in different countries.
10. Do you miss your old company?
11. Anything else you would like to tell me?

The interview went well I think, of course I am overthinking some of the questions I could have answered clearly or in a better manner, but there’s no point in that. Get your interview done and hope for the best!