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HBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for HBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

The atmosphere of my HBS interview was slightly tense, but the admissions team did what they could to create a welcoming environment. Interviewees gathered in a designated welcome center, where many of us were visibly anxious while waiting for our assigned time slots. Once called, about ten of us were escorted to a second holding room before being brought individually into separate interview rooms.

The interview itself was highly tailored—my interviewer was incredibly familiar with my application. The questions were deep and focused primarily on my industry experience, why I have excelled relative to my peers, what I have learned in my previous roles, and what I value outside of work. The conversation felt natural, but remained fast-paced and probing, as expected from HBS.

What surprised me most was not the questions themselves, but rather what wasn’t asked. I had anticipated discussion about my extracurricular involvement, but it never came up. That said, the experience reinforced my belief that HBS interviews are designed to assess how well you understand yourself, your impact, and your ability to articulate both clearly.

My biggest takeaway is that many of the horror stories I’ve read about the HBS interview process are likely exaggerated. While the interview is rigorous, it is also conversational. If you know your story well and have reflected deeply on your experiences, it shouldn’t be overwhelming.