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IESE MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / 9th March / London

The interview lasted for little longer than an hour. Basically she divided interview in 3 sections. In first she asked me questions from my application like about my work experience, the reason for the job changes,what I liked the most in my jobs etc.

In the second section she gave me examples and I had to narrate my experience on these topics.About leadership, about a difficult project where I performed above my own expectations. In the third section I asked her questions abt the course and the college-any thing which I wanted to know abt the IESE MBA.

The interview went very smoothly. She was writing remarks in a paper. Brook is very nice and friendly. So I was very relaxed.At the end of interview she told me it takes about 2 to 4 weeks time to reach the decision. She said we’ll be in touch.

(Posted by Krishna on behalf of Monika)