I was interviewed through a VC, I was interviewed by an Adcom, who is also an IESE’s alumnae, her name was Martha, sorry but I do not remember her last name. Martha is a very nice person, she started the interview with some pleasantries, she even introduce herself by providing general details of her background. She described the interview process and asked if I was ready to begin. My interview lasted 45 minutes, I did not felt pressured at all, although it is kind of weird to be interviewed in a VC, it is not the same as being interviewed in person, you can not make the same connection with the interviewer.
Martha apparently had my printed resume and essays and she went through the interview using that information, here are some of the questions that she asked me:
- Why studying an MBA at this point in my career?, why at IESE?
- Just to confirm, she asked me if I had applied to the other 2 B-schools I listed in my IESE’s application, to my surprise, she did not asked about the status of my application in these other schools….
- She asked me to describe my main job responsibilities in each job I listed in my resume, going into further detailed on my most recent positions.
- She made a specific question about a leaderhip experience I listed in my essays
- She asked me to describe my main strengths
- To finish the interview, Martha asked me what would I like the admissions board to know about me and why should I be selected to entered IESE?
Martha told me that she was going to include my case into the next weekly Admissions Board meeting and that I should hear from them next week, I was interviewed on a Thursday and I received IESE’s final decision on Monday. Although Martha explained to me that they do not provide feedback on interviews, she told me that she liked the fact that my answers were straight to the point, fully answering her questions, she told me that this will give me positive points and that the final decision was taken as a group so she could not give me any more details.
I hope you find this information useful, I would recommend that you go through your resume and essays before the interview, practicing a little bit on describing your information with more detail. Be yourself and do not be nervous at all, just confirm that you are the person they saw in your application.