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Indian School of Business MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Alumnus/ On Campus

I reached the venue one hour before the scheduled time for interview

I was asked to write a 50-100 word essay on a word. It is a straight forward word. I recommend that don’t sweat so much on it.

I was interviewed by a panel of 3 alumnus. The interview lasted for about 35 minutes.

It started with ice-breaker questions such as where are you staying at Hyderabad. How often do you visit Hyderabad.

My interview was all about my entrepreneurship stint. There was no hiccup. It was more of a conversation. I was not asked Why MBA or Why ISB ?

I was asked would you make sure that while studying at ISB you would not work for you company ?

Rounding up, I was asked if I had any questions ? Asked a question about their dual campus system.

After that, we again had 5 minutes discussion about the sector I am working in and its scope going ahead in India and Asia.