INSEAD requires two interviews, and I have completed 1 of 2. I met my interviewer at his office in the afternoon. Of course I made a wrong turn on the way and had to call him to clarify my MapQuest? directions. I was pretty embarrassed about it, but he didn’t seem to mind. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and very conversational.
My interviewer started with the “Why INSEAD” question. I explained my career goals, since they have an international theme, which I said led me to research MBA programs with an international focus and then to apply to INSEAD. I emphasized my attraction to the incredibly diverse student body and the opportunity to study in Singapore and take courses specific to management in Asia. He added some commentary and vignettes about how diverse the student body really is. We talked about what I wanted to do immediately after my MBA vs. long-term. I named some specific companies I wanted to work for post-MBA, and he confirmed that they recruited at INSEAD. He said I had already answered why an MBA and my career goals, so he skipped those questions. He asked if I had started a third language and since I haven’t, he encouraged me to do as much pre-work as possible.
He then asked about my progression within my current job. One follow-up that took me by surprise was whether my company had offered to pay for my MBA. I assumed that he was trying to assess my performance at work, so I gave examples that supported strong performance, e.g. that my company wanted me to return after my MBA.
Finally, he asked what I do outside of work and then if I had any questions for him. One question I asked was what extra-curricular activities he was involved in at INSEAD. I would not advise asking this since apparently INSEAD is not very “clubby”. He explained that there is no time for clubs.
At the end he said he thought I was a good fit and would recommend me to the AdCom?. This took a lot of guesswork out of the equation which is great since I tend to dwell on the things that I should or shouldn’t have said during the interview. A former colleague and INSEAD alum told me to really emphasize how what INSEAD offers is particularly relevant to me. I have specifically international career goals and really emphasized how being in the INSEAD environment would be of benefit to me. I often compared INSEAD to US MBA programs and how I thought INSEAD fit better for various reasons. That reminds me, he also asked if I applied to other EU schools like LBS, IMD, IESE. He also asked what I would do if I didn’t get into any MBA programs. I was taken a bit by surprise because I already have some choices, but of course, I didn’t say that and just said I would apply again because
I was sure this was the right avenue for me. Hope this helps! Good luck!