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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 (January 2008 Intake) / Alumnus

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I met with my second interviewer today. I made sure I arrived at least 10 minutes before time to enjoy the beautiful view from his kick-ass, big consulting firm, office.

He came to greet me at the exact time (to the minute). He didn’t know what the meeting was for: I think he didn’t know if it was for a job interview or an INSEAD interview. So I told him that it was for an INSEAD interview (maybe I should have just played along and said that it was for a job interview haha ..).

I don’t think he read any part of my application package so I handed him a copy of my resume and a copy of my complete INSEAD application.

He asked me about what I do at work, I told him about it, when I joined, what I have done so far and what I am presently working on. He asked some specific questions about work, he wanted to know a bit more about my project management experience.

He then asked me why INSEAD, I gave him my reasons. He asked me where I see myself in 10 years and I told him about how I see myself progress from post MBA graduation to 10 years down the road.

Later on, he asked how I handle failure and I answered his question. He then asked how I keep the team and management happy and secure when facing failures and I answered his question.

Now my turn: I asked him why he chose INSEAD (the guy is a consultant to the core … he worked for Bain post bachelor, got sponsored to go to INSEAD, went back to Bain and became a partner about 9 years post MBA) and what he liked and didn’t like about INSEAD.

I then asked him a tricky question, I didn’t how he would take it … I figured how many times do you get the chance to sit down with a partner at Bain & Co (just like how many times do you get the chance to sit down and talk with a kick-butt entrepreneur, my first interviewer) so I thought I should ask him the questions I want answers for … right?

So I asked why would anyone working in a specific industry for over 20 years listen to you? Just because you are a consultant and most importantly when you may have no experience whatsoever in that industry.

I knew and heard the answer before but I never heard the answer from a consultant with more than 15 years of experience, the answer was the same … you can find it everywhere.

I asked him what he likes and doesn’t like about his job. He really enjoys his work, I can clearly see it: The guy is a fan of his company and loves what he does. He enjoys the constant learning, the challenge, the opportunity to work on important client issues, etc…

He is very eloquent, very sharp. He was very nice but I could tell he is super busy. After 30 minutes, he told me he had to go … I wanted to ask him one more question … too bad.

At the end, he said: “You are going to like INSEAD, you are going to enjoy your time there.” He gave me his business card, wished me good luck, and asked me to keep him posted.

He didn’t say that he would recommend me but I sure hope he does …

You can find the answers to the questions above in my blog, I didn’t mention my answers here because I don’t think they are much relevant to these posts.

All the best to all of you,
