I had my alumni interview today. Have just been sent one interviwer name. It was quite simple and conducted in a very informal and relaxed manner. Lasted about 40 minutes. Out of these 40 minutes about 15-20 minutes were spent on my questions for the alumni.
I was about 25 minutes early and as I let my interviewer know through his receptionist he came out to get me withing 5 min. Therefor my interview started 20 min before scheduled time. He asked me to tell him about myself, about my company and how long I have been there. Future goals – short term and long term. Strengths & weaknesses what areas of the curriculum I am interested etc, Why Insead, Why Now. The questions were basically based on the Insead essay questions. Nothing very tricky ot tough. The interviewers mannner was very friendly and congenial. I came out quite happy.