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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / January 2009 Intake / Alumni / Off-campus

My interviewer was dressed very casually, and having come from work, I was more in business attire. I provided a print out of my one page resume so that the interviewer could easily see my career progression at a glance and allow him to visualize any specific questions.

We started with the typical “tell me about yourself” and I gave a quick 5-10 minute intro on my career and relocations throughout it. A big theme of the interview was what exposure I had to culture shock in my personal and professional travels, I guess to see how I would be able to handle it in France.

Some other questions I got were:

  • “Where would you like to work?”
  • “Any thought to which specific companies in Europe?”
  • “Why Insead?”
  • “Where else did you apply?”
  • “Which would you prefer, a one or two year program?”
  • “What do you do for fun?”

Alum interviewers are always interested in what other schools you apply to, although I don’t know if they specifically report it back to Insead.

It was a very casual and enjoyable interview and we even had a beer during it. Our interests were similar so we had a good discussion about strategy at INSEAD. It was tough however, to get an indication either way, because we still remained professional throughout and he didn’t say anything about giving a recommendation or not. At this point, everything is out of my control, so we’ll have to wait and see. Good luck to everyone.